Snow White helps run the community, and is assistant to the mayor. (This part of the story plays a much bigger role in the books than in the game.) Bigby was the Big Bad Wolf back in their fairy tale home, but he is reformed and trying to be human in this land. Bigby is the sheriff of Fabletown, a little community of fairytale characters who now live in a NYC apartment building because they’ve been kicked out of their homeland. I’ll be doing a review of the first deluxe issue of Fables the Comic over on my book review blog, She’s Got the Book, so I’ll try to focus on the game in this post. (AUGH, this wasn’t supposed to be about books, was it? Dang you, Emily.)
#The wolf among us game comic series
The other thing I really like is that this game is based on a popular and long-running comic book series by Bill Willingham, so if you beat the game and miss the characters, you can go read books from the series and get right back into the world. There are two really cool things about this game for me: the characters are “modern” versions of popular fairytale characters…just very screwed-up versions of these characters. Normally that kind of speed is reserved for my reading. However, Telltale Games’ The Wolf Among Us completely captivated me – I beat the game over the course of two nights. I love playing Xbox 360/Xbox One, but normally only shooter games: the Call of Duty franchise and the Left for Dead franchise are my favorites, but I’m also a big fan of Lara Croft/Tomb Raider games. Welcome to my first Off-Topic Tuesday post, in which I attempt to write about anything BESIDES writing or reading, and have already slightly failed because a comic book is one of the topics of this post.